Parish Priest
Revd Canon Michael O'Donoghue
Email: Michael O'Donoghue
Tel: 01636 704936
Mass/Service Times
9.00 am Sunday
9.30 am Tuesday
9.30 am Thursday
The congregation of our parish in the heart of England welcomes you to our section of the website.
Infinite is indeed God’s vast domain, and we are privileged to be able to share so widely a glimpse of our church and to share also a little of both our spiritual and secular parish life. We trust that you will find it both interesting and enlightening.
The church’s name, ‘Our Lady of Victories’, is a dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorating the naval battle at Lepanto in 1571.
The strength of a parish lies not just in coming together to worship at Mass, but also in the way its parishioners interact as a community in the widest sense of the word. We have a strong social side to our parish life, with regular events including Quiz Nights, Themed Evenings with food from around the world, Race Nights, and Irish evenings.
We have a Saint Vincent De Paul Group operating in the Parish, who help by visiting the sick and housebound.
Our Parish Centre is well used within Southwell by ourselves and by the wider community, including; MHA, Ballet, Yoga and Pilates Classes. It is available for hire; for further information, please contact the parish office on 01636 704936.