
Churches Together in Southwell

Southwell Christian Aid Committee

Group contact

Lesley McKenzie


Tel: 07834 184 844

Southwell Christian Aid Committee

The Committee is ecumenical and currently has 10 members, representing five of Southwell’s Churches.. We work together to coordinate Christian Aid’s annual door to door collection during Christian Aid Week both in Southwell and the surrounding villages.  The representatives of the churches act as contact points for more than 100 volunteers who collect and count donations every May.  


Christian Aid Week will take place from 12th - 18th May 2024 and will focus on extreme poverty in Burundi.


Burundi, one of the most densely populated and poorest countries in Africa, is heavily reliant on agriculture and a country least prepared to combat the effects of climate change. The global cost of living crisis has intensified the challenges: more than 70 per cent of the population live in poverty and more than half of children are chronically malnourished. Donations during Christian Aid Week will help the charity’s partners empower vulnerable communities to find practical and sustainable ways out of poverty.


Christian Aid is establishing community-led Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs). This enables people to save and borrow money, making small businesses possible, offering reliable and diverse incomes so families can eat regularly, get medicine when they need it, and build safer homes.


Our electronic Christian Aid Week envelope is now active and donations can be made at


New delegates on the committee and new volunteers to collect or count during Christian Aid Week or help with our events are always needed and can be sure of a warm welcome.
