
Churches Together in Southwell

CTiS Global Justice Group

CTiS Global Justice Group - NEW 



Churches Together in Southwell believe that a key outworking of our faith in Jesus and our role as his Kingdom Ambassadors is to demonstrably be a ‘City on a Hill’ (Matthew 5:14) in fighting for justice for God’s people as we ‘Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly’ as our Creator expects of us (Micah 6:8).


Justice is pure. Humankind is sinful. Humankind creates law. Thus, the law is not always going to be just.


Matthew 22:37-39: ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’”


Biblical Justice is defined by God alone.



We have, historically, acted together on issues such as developing nations’ debt cancellation, Millennium goals, Fair trade, poverty issues, democracy, asylum seeker & refugee support, trafficking and climate change.


Our Aims

We will prayerfully consider our response to any issue which is integrally linked to injustice. Responses include prayer initiatives, lobbying, awareness raising locally, co-operation with individual church justice initiatives and sometimes organising or joining specific events.


Relevant issues include:         

• Climate Change

• Poverty & Inequality

• Fair Trade

• People Trafficking & other forms of abuse.

• Discrimination

• Sustainability & Stewardship of our environment

• Ethical issues eg abortion & assisted dying.


We ask that each church identifies its members who would be prepared to act as a key link with CTiS on any one or more of the issues. We will convene an initial meeting of those who come forward to determine together how we can be most effective as witnesses and ambassadors together for Christ in our community. Young people are often especially passionate to engage on these topics so please ensure that they are given an opportunity to respond.


Could names and emails of those interested in representing your church be passed to Carolyn James, via email: or your CTiS church representatives.


With sincere thanks on behalf of Churches Together in Southwell. Julie Barker (Holy Trinity Church) & Rev Ronald Milner (Southwell Minster)


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