
Churches Together in Southwell

Southwell Minster

Dean of Southwell

The Very Revd Nicola Sullivan

Tel: 01636 817282 (Dean's PA)

Email: Dean


Canon Missioner

The Revd Canon Paul Rattigan 

Tel: 07517 416314

Email: Canon Missioner



Revd Canon Richard Frith

Email:  Precentor


Minster Office

Tel: 01636 812649

Email:  Minster Office


Minster website

The Minster is both a parish church for Southwell and the Anglican Cathedral for the county of Nottinghamshire. Christians have worshipped on this site for over 1000 years, and there are services every day when God is worshipped and we pray for his world. There is a choir of professional musicians who lead the praise of God several times a week. We also host civic services and concerts and offer hospitality to many visitors.

Thousands of children and young people come on school visits, when they learn about the faith through looking at the ancient building and meeting ‘living stones’ – present-day Christians. Our many groups include those who campaign for justice and peace and others who meet regularly for silent prayer and meditation.

The carved leaves in the Chapter House are unique and remind visitors today of God’s creation; they also inspire Christians to reflect on caring for our planet and seeing ‘the leaves of the trees' as pointing us towards 'healing and reconciliation of the nations’ (cf. Revelation 22:2).

Daily Worship

8.30am Morning Prayer

12.15pm Holy Communion (9.00am on Saturdays)

5.30pm Evensong (said Evening Prayer on Wednesdays)


Sunday Worship

7.40am Litany

8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Cathedral Eucharist

(11.15am Sung Eucharist – second Sunday of the month only)

3.30pm Evensong
