Churches Together in Southwell (CTiS) was originally formed in the 1990's, but was under the threat of being disbanded in 2001. Patrick Sills and another person , got together to make some recommendations on how CTiS could move forward using the constitution of Churches Together in Britain to formulate a plan. A "Working Agreement" was created and a membership committee was formed, made up of the minister and two lay people from each Southwell member church. This ran successfully for around 10 years, with Marjorie Hustwayte. chairing the meetings, with a lot of support from church members. We then moved to the current format - regular breakfast forums involving church members who chose to come. Several other chairs have been in place over recent years, including :Elizabeth Ingram (now left Southwell), Father Brian and Helen Nice (Methodist Minister) and most recently Frank (McKenzie) and Marian (Welham).
The meetings have always been well attended and there has been a good level of acceptance and trust on the basis that we share more in common than separates us. The present team aim to carry on this valuable tradition and to continue to build on it's firm foundation going forward.