
Churches Together in Southwell

October Church Reports

Reports from Church and Group Representatives prior Southwell Churches Open Forum Meeting


Holy Trinity Church update October 2025

The following groups continue to run weekly and are growing in numbers and we are very thankful to God for this:

Toddlers - Tuesday mornings

Youth Cafe - Tuesday evenings

years 3-6. Having a light party just before Halloween Connections/Moments & Living with loss - Wednesday lunches.


This is a designated Warm Welcome site. Monthly Families event - 3rd Sunday of the week @ 4pm. Over 50 children last month! This month 'Let's Build'.


Harvest - we had a well-attended harvest supper & social on 5th and welcomed Brackenhurst CU at our Harvest service the following morning. On Saturday, 16th November, we will be hosting a Tear Fund Quiz Night. Donations on the evening will go towards transforming the lives of people living in poverty. More details nearer the date. All welcome.


Interregnum: We will be interviewing 2 candidates for our vacancy on Friday 18th October and we have a 48h continuous prayer chain covering the visits & interviews. There will be a delay in announcing details of a new incumbent, should there be a successful appointment, until all the administrative stages have been completed. Please pray for this process.


Southwell Methodist Church

Recently Southwell Methodist Church celebrated harvest with a delicious bring and share lunch and filled over 70 shoe boxes to go to children and families in Romania. We support and are a reception hub for Baby Basics which has just started in our circuit. Baby Basics donates starter kits to mothers who struggle to provide even basic care for their new baby.


The last Saturday of November the film club meets at film with refreshments.... donations welcome.


The Minster


Dean Nicola has retired and will be moving on in a few weeks and Canon Paul retires with effect from November 3rd. We wish them both good luck in the next stages of their journeys. 


Reverend Dr, Canon Neil Evans has accepted Bishop Paul's invitation to become Interim Dean pending a substantive appointment.


We've hosted The Longest Yarn, and for the last couple of weeks.


The Moon is once again drawing many into God's presence, who might not otherwise have done so.


Southwell Baptist Church


Interregnum Update : On 28th September our regional minister Pete Leveson facilitated a day where the SBC congregation came together to discuss the merits of employing a minister. A follow up session has been arranged for our forthcoming church meeting on the 14th November. The Interim Steering Group (ISG) continue to meet on a bi-weekly basis.


Workday : On 26th October we had another SBC workday. Around 20 of the congregation came together to clean up the church and to tidy the garden. Trisch did a wonderful breakfast for us too. A good time of fellowship and camaraderie


Dwelling Place, Craft & Chatter & Renew: Continue to be well supported by the community.


Shoe Box Appeal : SBC once again is acting as a hub for the collection of shoe boxes as part of the Shoe Box appeal. Destinations for these, this year include Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and Romania


Women's Social : On 9th November there is a women’s lunch at the Full Moon in Morton. A women’s breakfast has also been arranged for 18th January 2025.


Church Weekend at home : SBC hosted our annual church weekend at home event, which once again proved very successful. We had John Goddard as our visiting minister. The weekend included spiritual learning and worship sessions, activities including walking and craft and meals together. A great time was had by all.


Prison Fellowship


As Churches Together in Southwell members will know, Prison Fellowship which is a Christian organisation has been involved in this prison for the last 25 years. Taking the Sycamore Tree course ( this a 6 week course based on restorative justice ( Luke 19. Jesus meets Zachaeus and his life is transformed ). and taking part in services as required. All PF involvement is agreed by the Chaplaincy. A new course is currently being trialled’ Living with Loss ‘ and it is hoped this will become a regular feature for inmates to attend.  We also meet monthly to pray about this ministry and other Christian’s are welcome to attend, we meet in the home of one Please get in touch if you feel called by God to be involved in this ministry. Eddie Adams. 01636 830686


Riverside Church

Riverside now has 2 Sunday services at the Minster school: 9.30am Reflective Service 11am Family Service


Sensory Space is available during the 11 o’clock service once a month. This offers a room with lower lighting levels, less sensory input and a quieter environment.


In October the youth went to Stathern for the weekend, with the theme of “on your marks”, “get set”, “go”. Friday evening offering the opportunity to build connections and to get to know one another and Saturday providing time to worship and encounter the Holy Spirit. 5 people gave a commitment to follow Jesus.


Alpha commenced in September and a small group of people have enjoyed delicious meals and exploring questions together, using materials from the Alpha course.


The Family Christmas Service will be held on Sunday 15th December 11am at the Minster School.


Distributed to Southwell Churches Open Forum
