Over the last two months the Minster has: observed Lent, including a
moving washing of congregation members' feet at the Maundy Thursday
evening communion service; welcomed many families to Easter services;
celebrated and prayed for Creation at a special Sacrista Prebend
service and tea; enjoyed the carpet of cowslips on Potwell Dyke
Grasslands (and looks forward to the wild orchids soon): been grateful
for becoming a Silver Eco Church following the award by A Rocha; held
weekly vigils for world peace and created a peace space beneath the
First World War window; initiated a What's On video and leaflet for
congregation members and visitors - the print of over 4000 leaflets up
to July has already run out; as you may well have seen, put Sacrista
Prebend on the market, sadly and reluctantly, because it is a
continuous drain on already very stretched resources; along with the
40 or so other cathedrals in the country, become a registered charity
involving changes in the running of the Minster; reflected on, and
prayed for, greater Christian Unity at one of the Silence and
Meditation Group's weekly meetings