Over the last month or so the Minster has:
* recognised Church Action on Poverty Sunday with a display, collection of donations and mentions in sermons and prayers;
* held a choral evensong on the Sunday during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at which the Roman Catholic Bishop of Nottingham preached and Marian Welham read from scripture representing Churches Together in Southwell;
* run Time Travelling, an education programme over a week when 900 junior school children learned about many aspects of faith and religious practice, including prayer, pilgrimage and Faith in Action focusing particularly on Fairtrade and Christian Aid; this fulfils curriculum requirements and the schools (teachers and children) seemed to enjoy learning in the cathedral setting;
* hosted the Christian Aid Lent lunch
* delivered a programme of talks and discussion on What is the Church?, including one titled Church as Servant;
* continued a fortnightly theology discussion group - following St Augustine's Confessions the focus is now on the Psalms;
* all these initiatives involved people from other (Southwell) churches as well as members of the Minster congregation.
* held a weekly vigil for world peace