
Churches Together in Southwell

Southwell Christian Aid Committee

Group contact

Lesley McKenzie


Tel: 07834 184 844

Southwell Christian Aid Committee

The Committee is ecumenical and currently has 10 members, representing five of

Southwell’s Churches. We work together to coordinate Christian Aid’s annual door to door

collection during Christian Aid Week both in Southwell and the surrounding villages. The

representatives of the churches act as contact points for more than 100 volunteers who

collect and count donations every May.


Thanks to the generous donations to the envelopes and our online electronic envelope this

Christian Aid Week (12th - 18th May 2024), we have been able to donate a fantastic £7109 to

Christian Aid to support poor communities in Burundi. These funds will help the charity’s

partners empower vulnerable people, like Aline, to find practical and sustainable ways out

of poverty.


Aline felt the full force of extreme poverty when an early marriage ended in abuse and

violence. She was forced to sleep on the streets of Burundi. With no home, healthcare or

security, Aline was pushed to the brink of survival.


But Aline transformed her life with a little help from Christian Aid. The charity provided vital

training and support that meant Aline could buy and grow nutritious food, build a home to

call her own, and have her children returned to her side.


Aline Nibogora said: ‘When we see Christian Aid, we feel comforted; we feel we are not

alone. You helped us to change our poor living conditions. I really thank you from the very

bottom of my heart.’


The generosity of our local community has helped people, like Aline, who have been pushed

to the brink by poverty, to find the strength and opportunity to push back harder and fulfil

their hopes and ambitions.


New delegates on the committee and new volunteers to collect or count during Christian

Aid Week or help with our events are always needed and can be sure of a warm welcome.

Together we will beat extreme poverty
